Electronic Books

Total Books: 21 - 24 /24
The Paraoxonases: Their Role in Disease Development and Xenobiotic Metabolism

Research into the paraoxonase (PON) multigene family has really only blossomed in the last 10 years. Before this time only ...

Therapeutic Lipidology

The chapters focus on recent advances in the field including novel biomarkers and the microbiome, genomics of cardiovascular ...

Vitamin D and its relation with diabetes mellitus / Nour Nassif ; Kareem Kanhoush ; Carol Maksour ; Mohammad Nour Talbe

Vitamin D is essential for human body for several reasons including maintaining healthy bones and teeth, it may also protects ...

Vitamin deficiency / Dania Nasser ; Reem Aljayosh

Vitamin deficiency is the condition of a long-term lack of a vitamin. When caused by not enough vitamin intake it is classified ...

Total Books: 21 - 24 /24